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contraction timer app for iphone

04 June 2013 2320 3
 I have found a few on the app store, some free, some paid for. Has anyone used one, any recommendations? Was it helpful? Any advice is welcome!


Name: Carry
Group: Newbie
Messages: 2
Registration: 20.03.2013
Visited: 06.06.2013
City: Brent
   05 June 2013
Quote: #89 Rosanne 04 June 2013, 12:06
 I have found a few on the app store, some free, some paid for. Has anyone used one, any recommendations? Was it helpful? Any advice is welcome!
I used a free one, but I don't remember the name. I think it was just called contraction timer.. It really made it easier for my DH to help me and not get confused with his watch and keeping a record.


Name: Rosanne
Group: Newbie
Messages: 7
Registration: 12.04.2013
Visited: 13.06.2014
City: Barnet
   06 June 2013
Quote: #89 Carry 05 June 2013, 12:05
I used a free one, but I don't remember the name. I think it was just called contraction timer.. It really made it easier for my DH to help me and not get confused with his watch and keeping a record.
Thanks Carry! I'll try to find it
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