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maternity leave

09 July 2013 1898 2
I am looking for a bit of advice on when to start my maternity leave. I'm 7 months on and the pregnancy has been good so far, with no major implications but with the recent heat I just dream to stay at home... and I feel a bit sick when I leave the house. So maybe it's time? Or is it too early? 


Name: Natalie
Group: Newbie
Messages: 17
Registration: 25.03.2013
Visited: 29.04.2014
City: Lambeth
   15 July 2013
Hi, I read somewhere there was a research that proved that women need a good rest before giving birth, I think about a couple of months. I had my maternity leave on my 7th month. I had a nice time, I think I really started to enjoy my pregnancy only when I left work. But a lot of women leave work in two weeks before due date. 
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