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Anyone half way through 2ww?

01 April 2013 2267 2
I'm so bored of waiting ))))) The only symptom I have so far is sore boobs, and it's not too uncomfortable so I don't know, mayby I'm imagening things. We are trying to consive for 8 months already. Hope this time is the lucky one )))


Name: Anna
Group: Newbie
Messages: 30
Registration: 01.07.2013
Visited: 10.07.2015
City: Kensington and Chelsea
   26 September 2014
Quote: #56 Pru 01 April 2013, 13:03
I'm so bored of waiting ))))) The only symptom I have so far is sore boobs, and it's not too uncomfortable so I don't know, mayby I'm imagening things. We are trying to consive for 8 months already. Hope this time is the lucky one )))
I'm on my 5th week right now:) And you know, I had zero symptoms all this time. I hope everything worked out for you and you had a charming baby:)
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