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Government’s new childcare plans

21 March 2013 2495 2
What do you think of the new budget plan? Will it affect you? Personally i think it is an insult to stay at home mums


Group: Newbie
Messages: 1
Registration: 25.03.2013
Visited: 25.03.2013
   25 March 2013
Quote: #25 April 21 March 2013, 15:52
What do you think of the new budget plan? Will it affect you? Personally i think it is an insult to stay at home mums
Hi all! 
There's now an official Government e-petition for parents against proposed childcare ratio changes available at: www.rewindonratios.com. 
If the e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures, the Government HAS to provide a response, and if we make it to 100,000, the issue will be considered for debate in the House of Commons.

The aim is to make sure that parents' voices are heard on this matter and we encourage everyone opposed to the changes to not only sign the petition but pass it on to at least 5 fellow parents and encourage them to do the same, so it builds up some momentum.

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