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Home birth?

25 March 2013 2062 4
Hello mommys! What do you think of home birth? Is it safe? 


Name: Carina
Group: Newbie
Messages: 10
Registration: 26.03.2013
Visited: 15.10.2013
City: Newham
   26 March 2013
Quote: #37 Kiley 25 March 2013, 14:00
Hello mommys! What do you think of home birth? Is it safe? 
I gave bith at home. It was great. I did an extencive research first before deciding. 
You get gas and air at home but not an epidural and not pethidine. They can also give you syntometrine at home (this speeds up 3rd stage) if you want it. And if things are going slow you can transfer to hospital, changing your mind at any point and heading there if you just decide home isn't the place you want to be after all.
Just consult with your gp and your midwife if you have one. I really don't like hospitals, that's why home birth was my decision in the first place. I feel safer at home 


Name: Joella
Group: Newbie
Messages: 4
Registration: 26.03.2013
Visited: 17.07.2015
City: Harrow
   26 March 2013
I strongly believe hospital is the only right choice. 
Due to the fact that both my births had complications which needed hospital treatment, my son wouldn't be here today if I had had a home birth.

Plus the pain, gas and air is good but. if its a long labour cpoing on gas and air may be hard.


Name: Morgana
Group: Newbie
Messages: 2
Registration: 27.03.2013
Visited: 20.06.2013
City: Waltham Forest
   27 March 2013
Giving birth at home is the best choice I made. I delivered my first baby at home in a birthing pool.
I have such fantastic memories of the experience! I was nervous about how I would cope with the birth of my first child at home until I read about the benefits of water birth.
I had an amazing pain-free birth without the need for medical intervention or drugs.
Lucky me! )))
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