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How do you deal with tantrums?

02 April 2013 2100 3
My DH does not want to go out any more because our LO will not sit still and will show us up. He'll lie on his back and slide backwards or drop on his front and scream his head until he gets attention. DH is frustrated and I am too... I long for those times when we could go out and treat ourselves. Please help


Name: Ava
Group: Newbie
Messages: 8
Registration: 27.03.2013
Visited: 04.02.2015
City: Camberley
   05 December 2014
I tried to carry snacks, so he could eat something on our way home from the daycare. This way he's not as hungry and exhausted when we come home. If he's already having tantrum, try to talk to him in a very calm voice. Hug him until he stops screaming. Try to give him choises for distraction. So he could switch his mind to making a choice. Hope this helps!


Name: Marion
Group: Newbie
Messages: 3
Registration: 04.04.2013
Visited: 21.01.2015
City: Brent
   21 January 2015
God, tantrums are so frustrating and draining! I never experienced them with my DC, but I've seen my nephew throw a terrible temper tantrum last night. He was throwing things, kicking anyone who would approach him and screaming at the top of his lungs. Reminded me of the movie Excorcism!  Anyway, my SIL asked her son's teacher about this problem, and she advised a book called Tears and Tantrums. Said it always helps. Don't know if it wll help my nephew, but just wanted to share this info. Good luck:)
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