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What was your hospital care like after the birth?

01 April 2013 2243 3
Let's share the postnatal care experiences. The care i received before the labour was very good but after I actually gave birth it was not so good. I understand they want us to discharge asap, but I've seen women who were not ready if not physically but emotionally. 


Name: Cam
Group: Newbie
Messages: 3
Registration: 02.04.2013
Visited: 07.05.2014
City: Croydon
   02 April 2013
That's why I plan a home birth ))) No one will discharge me before I'm ready from my own home)))


Name: Elsa
Group: Newbie
Messages: 1
Registration: 10.04.2013
Visited: 17.07.2015
City: London
   17 July 2015

My aftercare was hit and miss. The labour ward was fab and all the staff were great. I got rushed to the postnatal ward as labour ward was so busy and they needed my room. First night the mw woke me up as DS had pooed but he was fast asleep. Then "helped" me express by attacking my nipples, the next day another me told me my hand expressing was wrong, well the night mw showed me this way! I had to ask to get my cannula removed as it was so painful. The second night was hell as DS just screamed however the mw was so helpful I buzzed her everytime he cried as I didn't know what to do. She was so encouraging and helpful she even helped me sleep and showed me how to co sleep safely. I was adamant I was going home on the Sunday and I did! The ward was so busy with ladies I didn't get much help to bf, DS didn't latch until the Saturday night so I was hand expressing every 3 hours!!

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