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Dropping the night feed?

05 April 2013 2707 2
Hi all! :)
My Harry is weaning really well and is still getting a few BFs a day and before bed time.He is still waking a couple times per night and can usually be BF back to sleep. It's only a few mins on the boob then back asleep so I don't think it's hunger, more habit.

Do any of you have any advice, please? Would dropping the night feed be wise now? THX a ton! )


Name: Gloria
Group: Newbie
Messages: 10
Registration: 11.04.2013
Visited: 17.07.2015
City: Kensington and Chelsea
   07 July 2015

I EP and I started giving two feedings closer together than the day feedings before bed. One about 1- 1 1/2 hours before bath and one at bed time. Starting solids also helped even though some say it doesn't. My guy sleeps about 10 hours.

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