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05 April 2013 2633 2
I have a  lovely and healthy 8 month old baby girl who up until recently was demand breast fed (usually 4 times a night). She recently had chicken pox and since then everything has gone out the window!  
she goes to bed around 19.00 with a 7oz bottle now, and wakes at 11.30, then pretty much every other hour.  She just won't seem to settle in the cot at all, when I rock her to sleep and put her down she wakes up!  This morning I have had her in the pushchair since 3 in the morning and every time I stop walking she wakes!!! Any suggestions? 


Name: Leanne
Group: Newbie
Messages: 8
Registration: 01.04.2013
Visited: 16.01.2015
City: Harrow
   21 July 2014
Here are the tips I used when my baby boy wouldn't let me sleep:
1) Consistent bed time routine - the more predictable your routine is, the more likely your baby will accept it
2) Wait before going in - sometimes the baby need to whimper a little to learn to fall asleep on his/her own
3) Early bedtime - the idea is to put baby to sleep between 7:30 and 9:00 pm, because overtired babies are more likely to fight sleeptime.
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