10 tips for coping with a second baby

Author: Carina 08:24, 26 March 2013 925 0 0

10 tips for coping with a second baby
Having a second baby can be just as daunting as the first time you found out you were pregnant.

But as much joy as this brings you, how do you tell your first child that they will have a new brother or sister? And how will you be able to cope with the new baby as well as looking after your toddler?

With all the overwhelming factors your second baby brings what about the pregnancy itself?

Naia Edwards, author of The Second Baby survival guide, offers you 10 easy tips to help you cope with your new arrival.

1. Don’t worry
Many mums find it hard to imagine loving a new baby to love when all you know is love for the one you have. Don’t worry, just as you can love both your parents, you can love both your children equally though maybe differently for the different people they are.

But also remember that the love you have for your first child has had time to deepen and grow as you have spent time together. It may take you a little time for your love to develop so strongly for your new baby.

2. Prepare your toddler beforehand
It’s up to you – and the age of your child - when you decide to tell them the great news about their new sibling but do spend some time preparing them for what’s about to happen.

Look at books about new babies, talk about them, visit friends with babies, get out old photo albums of your child as a baby and look at them together. Studies show that children who have had some preparation beforehand cope better after their new brother or sister arrives.

3. Have fun with your toddler while it’s just the two of you
When you spend time with your toddler, think of things you can do which you may not be able to do together for a while. It may be difficult for you to get out and about once the baby’s born, so get out now and go to the park or to the swimming pool.

Don’t spend your time indoors cleaning the cupboards if your child is just sitting in front of the TV while you do this– go and have fun doing things you both enjoy together.

4. Don’t forget to plan childcare ahead
Remember that second labours are often much quicker than the first, so you may not have nearly as much time as you think you will have to get to the hospital. Keep the number of at least 2 people who live close by who can come and look after your child.

If your child has never spent any time away from you, it’s a good idea to get your child used to the idea of being looked after by whomever you’ve chosen before you go into the hospital to have the baby.

5. Deal with any fears you may have about labour
Talk to your midwife and try and deal with any trauma of your first experience. Could things be done differently? Find out what your options are.

If the experience of your first labour has left you deeply anxious about how you will cope with labour this time, you need to work out a different strategy for managing pain.

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