
Author: Elsie 11:26, 10 April 2013 1034 0 0


What are the symptoms of teething?
Teething problems probably improved after your baby's first few teeth broke through. But, just after your toddler's first birthday, the following symptoms may return:
  •     red, swollen and tender gums
  •     a red, flushed cheek or face, perhaps with a rash
  •     ear-rubbing on the same side as the erupting tooth
  •     disturbed sleep
  •     decreased appetite
  •     gum-rubbing, drooling, biting or chewing
  •     general unhappiness and irritability
  •     a slightly raised temperature (lower than 38C), but not a fever

The reason is likely to be the arrival of your toddler's molars, the large teeth at the back of his mouth. Big and blunt, these teeth can take a while to push through and often cause pain and misery in the process.

The first molars usually arrive when your toddler is between 12 months and 16 months, and the second molars arrive between 20 months and two-and-a-half years.

The pain your toddler's feeling isn't dissimilar to the ache your wisdom teeth created when they arrived.

Some parents report that their toddler has diarrhoea just before a tooth breaks through. Teething is unlikely to cause this, though it may cause loose bowel movements for a day or two. This could be due to the extra saliva your toddler swallows while teething. However, treat diarrhoea separately, and take him to see a doctor if you think he needs to.

How can I soothe my toddler's gums?
Gentle pressure with something cool is often the best way to relieve the pain of teething. You could simply gently rub your toddler's gums with your clean finger. But be careful, as he may object to this and inform you with a painful bite.

Give your toddler something to chew on:

  •     A peeled, raw carrot, straight from the fridge, or a frozen stick of cucumber or bagel, or a piece of bread or a banana, may help. Stay with him when he is eating it, however, to make sure he doesn't choke on any pieces he bites off.
  •     A cool spoon, or a partly-frozen wet, clean flannel to chew on offer interesting textures to distract him from his discomfort.
  •     A cool, but not frozen teething ring or dummy is ideal. Solid teething rings are recommended over liquid filled rings, which could leak. Never dip a dummy or teething ring in honey or anything sweet beforehand.

Your toddler may lose his appetite when he's teething. Chilled foods, such as a yoghurt or fruit purees, may soothe his gums and be more appealing.

Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding can be painful for your teething toddler. Sucking causes more blood to rush to the swollen areas, making them particularly sensitive. Drinking from a cup may be easier for him.

However, sometimes a comforting cuddle is the best therapy you can supply.

Should I use teething gels or homeopathic remedies?
Teething gels for toddlers usually contain a local anaesthetic and a mild antiseptic, which work together to ease the pain and prevent infection. A little rubbed on the sore gum with a clean finger has a brief numbing effect, but it fades quickly. The gel quickly wears off and is easily washed away by your toddler's saliva or tongue.

Choose a sugar-free gel and follow the instructions on the packaging. Resist the temptation to put the gel on more often than the instructions suggest. Swallowing too much gel could be harmful. Mouth ulcer and general pain relief gels for adults aren't suitable for your teething toddler.

You can buy homeopathic teething granules from pharmacies. These come in small sachets that you pour into your toddler's mouth. You can also get powders or tablets to dissolve in warm, cooled boiled water as a drink.

There's no evidence that these remedies work, but some mums swear by them. Check that the brand you are buying is sugar-free. Sugar is a cause of tooth decay, so you don't want to be covering your toddler's emerging tooth buds in sugar.

Amber is a traditional remedy for teething which some parents give to their toddlers as necklaces, bracelets or anklets. A tiny amount of oil is released on to the skin, and this is thought to relieve the discomfort of teething. But if you choose to use them, keep a close watch on your toddler as there is a risk of strangling or choking.

Should I give my toddler paracetamol?
If all else fails, and your toddler is in real distress, you can give him the correct dose of infant paracetamol or ibuprofen. These are effective painkillers and can make him feel more comfortable quite quickly. Always check the dosage information on the packet, or ask your doctor or pharmacist about how much to give your child.

If your toddler has a high temperature of 38 degrees C or higher, you should consult your doctor. This will almost certainly not be due to teething.

Make sure that there isn't something other than teething which is causing him to be upset. Ear infections, colds, coughs, tummy bugs and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are often mistaken for teething. All these would mean your toddler needs a doctor.
How long will teething last?
In most children, teeth erupt in this order:

  •     The first molars come through at between 12 months and 16 months.
  •     The pointed teeth on each side at the front (canines), which rarely cause problems, appear at between 16 months and 20 months.
  •     The second molars arrive at between 20 months to 30 months.

Of course, tooth eruption varies from child to child, and some children may still be teething at three years old. But your toddler will most likely have his full set of 20 baby teeth by the time he's two-and-a-half.

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