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Best New Toys of 2012

Mattle Barbie Photo Fashion
Barbie Photo Fashion features a 5-megapixel camera that is positioned into her chest for taking pictures. The partly doll, partly digital camera Barbie comes with a pink USB port to transfer photos to computer. This great toy is due out this August for $50.
LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer Tablet
For kids 3-9 years of age
LeapFrog devices have been providing knowledge and fun for kids for years. This one for age three to nine has 4 GB memory and a library of over 325 apps covering subjects like art, reading, science geography, math culture and more. It has a front and back camera and video recorder and color touch screen with tilt sensor. Four AA batteries required.
Fisher-Price Master Moves Mickey (M3)

Fisher-Price Master Moves Mickey Mouse is taking it to a whole new level with his music and moves! Known as M3, perfecting his moves and getting ready to tear up the dance floor! Mickey is dialed up in his freshest dance gear and ready to get down! Check out his 15 insane dance moves! Wait a second? Look at that signature handstand, the windmill! How does he do it?! His moves are hotter and hipper than ever! Its time to throw down a few of your own dance moves or learn from the pro!The Fisher-Pr.
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