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From making new friends and taming tantrums to writing those first letters, your preschooler will learn a lot from 2 to 4. Find out more about the physical, social and emotional, and language developmental milestones of a preschooler, and get great ideas for discipline strategies, potty training, sleep solutions, feeding picky eaters, choosing a preschool, and more.


An award-winning preschool offering from Asia is to open its first campus in London, bringing a new global ‘limitless learning’ approach to parents who want their children to be citizens of the world.

Executive functions are the control centre of your brain, situation in the pre frontal cortex. Executive functions include the ability to initiate, plan and organise, set goals, solve problems, regulate emotions, and monitor behaviour. Because these skills play a role in all most aspects of life, Executive Function deficits can hamper a child academically, socially and emotionally. This article looks at how you can support children who have executive function challenges.

Nursery, how to apply

Jo80 1786 0 0 0
11:09, 12 April 2013
Nursery, how to apply

Nursery is the first step in the lengthy process that will eventually take your child to school and beyond. Here is a small guide on how to begin this process. 

Ways to Tame Tantrums

Avril 1098 0 0 0
09:17, 10 April 2013
Ways to Tame Tantrums

Guide to coping with fits

Table Manners for Kids

Sunny 1105 0 0 0
12:10, 08 April 2013
Table Manners for Kids

Every parent wants their child to behave well in any situation - and having proper table manners is part of that. What are the most important manners for children to learn? Here's a small list that will help you teach your kids on good table manners.    

How to teach your toddler to share

Dena 1021 0 0 0
11:33, 05 April 2013
How to teach your toddler to share

Sharing is probably one of the most important lessons you can teach your child. Here are a few ideas that may help you with this.