Welcome to pregnancy! This is the start of an incredible journey. To help you along, we offer info on pregnancy symptoms, weight gain and nutrition, what's safe during pregnancy and what's not, pregnancy stages, labor and delivery, and more -- plus how to sift through all those baby names to find the perfect one.
We all know a baby bore, a pregnant mum who can talk about nothing bump. But why do these mums become so bump obsessed, how can you deal with them and what should you do if you think you are one?
Although you may be the pregnant one, your is going through the same thing (well not exactly the same). Here is a list of things he should ponder
Being pregnant isn't all bad. Now you have an excuse to do the following
Every woman's labour is different. So pinpointing when yours begins isn't really possible. It's more of a process than a single event, when a number of changes in your body work together to help you to give birth. However, some specific changes take place in pre-labour, early labour and established (active) labour.
It is impossible to escape the advice and predictions, but are pregnant
women being misled or do these Old Wives' Tales have any scientific
Dr Sarah Jarvis examines some of the most pervasive and popular myths
associated with pregnancy to celebrate National Science &
Engineering Week. So what is the scientific truth behind the tales?
Nausea is one of the most common – and most miserable – complaints of pregnancy, affecting around 70 per cent of pregnant women. It is often referred to as morning sickness, and for some women occurs only in the morning, but it can occur at any time during the day.