Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital

Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital

Great Britain, Du Cane Road London W12 0HS, Main: 020 8383 1111 Birth Centre: 020 8383 1140 Delivery Suite: 020 8383 3900
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Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital

  • Address: Du Cane Road London W12 0HS
  • Phone number: Main: 020 8383 1111 Birth Centre: 020 8383 1140 Delivery Suite: 020 8383 3900

Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea Hospital is world-renowned for its maternity and women's and children's services.
The hospital is a tertiary referral maternity unit with a nationally renowned centre for fetal care and the largest neonatal intensive care unit in the country. It has a labour ward with two fully equipped operating theatres adjacent to high-dependency care facilities.

The hospital has excellent and extensive high-risk services and, as a result, cares for many women with complicated pregnancies. The hospital also has a midwife-led birth centre for women with uncomplicated pregnancies who would like a natural childbirth experience.

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