Earls Court Primary School

Earls Court Primary School

Great Britain, Hammersmith, Cambridge Grove, W6 0LB,
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Earls Court Primary School

  • Address: Hammersmith, Cambridge Grove, W6 0LB
  • Phone number:
4 years to 11 years

The parents and teachers who set up the West London Free School, the most over-subscribed state secondary in Hammersmith & Fulham, are planning to open a new primary school to serve the Earls Court Community from 2014. Like the secondary, the primary will provide children with a classical liberal education, focusing on a core of academic subjects complemented by art, music, drama and competitive sport. It won't charge fees - it will be wholly funded by the Department for Education - but it will offer children the kind of experience they would get at an old-fashioned prep school.

Parents can find out more by visiting our website and can register their interest for places in 2014 and beyond by completing a form available at www.westlondonfreeschool.co.uk/earls-court-primary-school-application.html     