Blundells Day Nursery

Blundells Day Nursery

Great Britain, 194-196 Sheepcote Lane, Battersea, London, SW11 5BP, 0207 924 4204
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Blundells Day Nursery

  • Address: 194-196 Sheepcote Lane, Battersea, London, SW11 5BP
  • Phone number: 0207 924 4204
Blundells is a private day nursery. Housed in a charming period building which was formerly a court house, the exceptionally high ceilings and spacious floor areas make an ideal setting for the nursery. We opened in January 1991, with the sole purpose of providing good quality day care for children aged 18 months to five years.

Primarily a teaching nursery - learning through play, Blundells is committed entirely to the aim of providing a friendly caring environment in which children can learn through instruction, encouragement and lavish amounts of praise Lessons at Blundells are designed to foster a joy of learning and a desire to explore. Providing a sound basis for future schooling and a security and confidence that hopefully will remain with the children throughout their lives.

Our paramount consideration is how best to promote children's interest. Traditional is our basis for teaching. Children are encouraged to be polite and kind to each other, respecting the needs of others but retaining their own personality and individuality. They are taught to read phonetically.By encouraging letter recognition from a very young age the children are soon able to master the phonic sounds. They then move on to blend those sounds into words and ultimately begin to read.

The children move through the nursery and stages of learning according to their ability not age. Initially, social ability and confidence and thereafter cognitive ability. As a result of this and also an extremely high staff ratio of 1:4, most of the children are reading, writing and familiar with number recognition before leaving at the age of five.

We promote learning through play, discussion, traditional songs, fairy tales, painting and dancing to classical music intermixed with lots of imaginary play - to believe in Blundells - you have to believe in fairies!

The daily activities of the children are designed to encourage maximum growth and development in all the physical, intellectual, social and emotional spheres. In an anti-sexist, anti-racist environment we have equality for all children of any race or religion.
