Sing and Sign

Sing and Sign

Great Britain, Kidspace and Christ Church Brighton Road, CR8 2BN, 020 3536 011
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Sing and Sign

  • Address: Kidspace and Christ Church Brighton Road, CR8 2BN
  • Phone number: 020 3536 011
£70 per term
Wed, Fri, 9.45am and 10.45am
6 months to 2 years

Sing and Sign is the award-winning baby and toddler group, aimed at babies from 6 months to 2 years, that combines singing and baby signing to promote amazingly early communication.

Sing and Sign sessions are very relaxed and signs are learned through action songs and rhymes, making them easy to remember. Puppets, musical instruments, toys and pictures are to inspire your baby's interest and illustrate the signs. 

Groups are kept small to encourage learning in a safe environment and babies are free to roam, so that you can relax without having to keep your baby on your lap. 

Wednesday mornings - Kidspace Indoor Play Centre, Croydon 
Friday mornings - Christ Church Hall, Brighton Road, Purley

Summer Term runs from w/c 22nd April until Friday 5th July
