maternity/pregnancy/nursing clothes large bundle
In section: Products for Pregnant and Young Mothers
Relevant for: 09:32, 11 April 2013
Viewed: 1227 | Comments: 0
50 USD
huge bundle containing:
white linen trousers
satin blouse with cap sleeves
3/4 length Black loose trousers
2 x work wear trousers grey/Black
2 x stretch dresses. easy feeding
1 x Black dress
2 ...
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huge bundle containing:
white linen trousers
satin blouse with cap sleeves
3/4 length Black loose trousers
2 x work wear trousers grey/Black
2 x stretch dresses. easy feeding
1 x Black dress
2 x jeans boot cut Blue/straight leg Black
2 feeding vest tops
floaty beach style top
2 layer blue/Green top with vest detail.
easy feeding red top
Black n white Jersey top
long black v neck top
white top with sash waist tie
swim top (tankini top)
2 black work trousers
2 nightdresses (feeding clips)
3 smart/jersey dresses.
1 white tie up blouse.
selection of maternity/feeding bras.. all stages so different sizes.
black leggings different sizes. 14.16.18
some items are more worn than others
Black jeans stitching round elastic had come
loose (unnoticeable under top but easily fixed)
most clothes from mothercare or next.
excellent value worth a lot more but need a quick sale.
Call on 07784199893
white linen trousers
satin blouse with cap sleeves
3/4 length Black loose trousers
2 x work wear trousers grey/Black
2 x stretch dresses. easy feeding
1 x Black dress
2 x jeans boot cut Blue/straight leg Black
2 feeding vest tops
floaty beach style top
2 layer blue/Green top with vest detail.
easy feeding red top
Black n white Jersey top
long black v neck top
white top with sash waist tie
swim top (tankini top)
2 black work trousers
2 nightdresses (feeding clips)
3 smart/jersey dresses.
1 white tie up blouse.
selection of maternity/feeding bras.. all stages so different sizes.
black leggings different sizes. 14.16.18
some items are more worn than others
Black jeans stitching round elastic had come
loose (unnoticeable under top but easily fixed)
most clothes from mothercare or next.
excellent value worth a lot more but need a quick sale.
Call on 07784199893
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