My Emma used to bully kids in the daycare too at that age! He would poke kids, steal their toys and kick them. But it just when away in a couple of months and I sighed with relief.
She's 20 months old and she has been going to nursery since she was about 9 months. She used to like the nursery, it was never smooth to get her there though. But she is so much worse now. The tears start at breakfast and she sobs until we get there. It breaks my heart and I really don't know what to do. This is so distressing to us all.
The nursery staff say she gets better while there but getting her to go is such a pain.
DD is 16mo and she's become a nightmare in the pushchair. We take a walk every day and she used to love them but recently she became unbearable, she whines and whines. Is there a magic solution?
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